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The Construction of Waste to Energy Plant in Gedebage Bandung is Reviewed

Bandung - The government and PT Bandung Raya Indah Lestari (BRIL) are reviewing the megaproject of Waste Power Plant (PLTSa) in Gedebage area. Bandung City Government involves the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves).
"So for PLTSa, we are currently coordinating with Kemenko Marves, commanded by Bappelitbang to see approximately in terms of aspects, juridical, legal and other aspects to be in accordance with existing regulations," said Head of the Bandung City Environment and Hygiene Office (DLHK) Dudy Prayudi at the city hall, Wednesday (8/3/2023).

News Source:  https://www.detik.com/jabar/berita/d-6607974/pembangunan-pltsa-di-gedebage-bandung-dikaji-ulang

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